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We perform a proof-of-principle experiment that uses a single negatively charged nitrogen–vacancy (NV) color center with a nearest neighbor 13C nuclear spin in diamond to detect the strength and direction (including both polar and azimuth angles) of a static vector magnetic field by optical detection magnetic resonance (ODMR) technique. With the known hyperfine coupling tensor between an NV center and a nearest neighbor 13C nuclear spin, we show that the information of static vector magnetic field could be extracted by observing the pulsed continuous wave (CW) spectrum.
Owing to its outstanding optical and electron spin individually addressable properties, negatively charged nitrogen–vacancy (NV) color center in diamond[1–3] has recently emerged as a promising candidate for a wide range of applications, such as quantum information processing (QIP),[4–11] imaging in life science,[12] and high-resolution sensing of magnetic field.[13,14] The NV-based magnetometers have been applied to an outstanding challenge in magnetic sensing, whose applications are involved from fundamental physics and material science to quantum memory and biomedical science.
The central idea for the NV-based magnetometer is that detecting the relative energy shift of degeneracy ground state induced by an external DC or AC magnetic field[13–18] can precisely extract the information (including strength and polar angle relative to NV axis) of an applied magnetic field from corresponding resonance frequencies, but the information of azimuth angle was lost due to its
Furthermore, nuclear spins in diamond, coupled by hyperfine interaction to nearby NV electron spin, are generally believed to contribute to its decoherence.[19,20] For detecting weakly coupled nuclear spins, dynamical decoupling (DD) pulses could be used to prolong the dephasing time of the NV electron spin,[21,22] whose sensitivity to the target nuclear spin is enhanced.[23–26] In contrast, if the hyperfine interaction is strong enough to induce resolved energy splitting, the nuclear spins could be well detected and their hyperfine tensors may be precisely determined.[27–32] Such interactions have been used to demonstrate QIP by employing NV electron and 13C nuclear spins as quantum registers.[4]
In this paper, with the known hyperfine components[30–32] between an NV electron and a single nearest neighbor 13C nucleus (NV–13C), our proof-of-principle experiment showed that the possible directions of an applied static vector magnetic field could be determined with the assistance of the 13C nuclear spin. Because of the presence of a 13C nuclear spin in the first coordination shell, the symmetry of the NV center can be reduced from
The NV center contains a substitutional nitrogen 14N atom and a vacancy in an adjacent lattice site. Its ground state has a spin triplet S = 1 with a zero-field splitting D = 2.87 GHz between ms = 0 and ms = ±1 spin sublevels. In a sample with a natural abundance of 13C isotope (1.1%), a randomly placed 13C nucleus (spin I = 1/2) locates in the diamond lattice. The hyperfine splitting of 14N nuclear spin (spin I = 1) is a constant of −2.16 MHz,[28] which is insensitive to the changes of external magnetic field. Therefore, we do not take into account the 14N nuclear spin temporarily, and only consider the hyperfine structure of NV electron spin coupling to the single 13C nuclear spin with corresponding Hamiltonian
Applying a microwave (MW) pulse causes transitions of the system between the electron spin levels and modulates the fluorescence intensity. The spin dynamics of the ground state are relevant to microwave power, which can particularly affect the quantization axis of sub-manifold ms = 0. Concretely, in the case of relative low microwave power, the splitting of ms = 0 corresponds to two eigenstates of
In the remaining cases of relative high MW power, the Larmor splitting of ms = 0 corresponds to two linear superposition states
NV–13C was optically addressed at room temperature by using a confocal microscope combined with a photon-counting detection system. A permanent magnet near the bulk diamond was used to apply an unknown static vector magnetic field, whose direction relative to the NV symmetry axis (z-axis) is shown schematically in Fig.
In this experiment, we used the NV–13C to implement the static vector magnetic field detection. As an identification of our chosen NV–13C sensor, in zero-field its doublet splitting should be about 130 MHz.[34] For this purpose, the experimental optical detection magnetic resonance (ODMR) spectra was firstly applied in zero-field to determine the two resonance frequencies. As shown in Fig.
Under the detected vector magnetic field, experimental pulsed CW spectrums of NV–13C are demonstrated in Fig.
The four transition frequencies
In this paper, we implemented a proof-of-principle experiment that an NV center with a first-shell 13C nuclear spin was applied to reconstruct the three dimensional magnetic field vector by a single NV center. Based on accurate hyperfine tensors between an electron and a single nearest-neighbor 13C nucleus, by observing its hyperfine splitting spectrums induced by both 14N and 13C nucleus, we could obtain the desired information of the strength and eight possible directions. Different to the other published method that uses three NV centers with different axis directions, our method has the advantage that one could use a single NV center so that it can potentially combine with the nanoscale magnetic imaging to achieve the ultimate resolution. We hope that in future work it may be possible to further improve the spatial resolution by reduction of spectral broadening.
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